The Art of Gold Making in Quran
The occult sciences predominantly comprise of the essential theme of Quran in its chapter called 'The Believers'. The structure of Quran here seems to have fundamentally been constructed to appeal to the psychic nature of man, such that the human mind may find focus and conviction in the cosmic status of its purpose through a sympathetic association with the higher acts of goodness. For instance, the first twelve verses stated in the Chapter 23 of Quran have a theme that corresponds to the principle characteristics of the twelve zodiac signs. Accordingly,
1 Successful indeed are the believers (Aries = Victory)
2 Who are humble in their prayers, (Taurus = Attitude)
3 And who shun vain conversation, (Gemini = Communication)
4 And who are payers of the poor-due; (Cancer = Support)
5 And who guard their modesty - (Leo = Self Expression)
6 Save from their wives or the (slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, (Virgo = Selection)
7 But whoso craveth beyond that, such are transgressors - (Libra = Balance)
8 And who are shepherds of their pledge and their covenant, (Scorpio = Commitment)
9 And who pay heed to their prayers. (Sagittarius = Focus)
10 These are the heirs (Capricorn = Authority)
11 Who will inherit paradise. There they will abide. (Aquarius = Exceptionalism)
12 Verily We created man from a product of wet earth; (Pisces = Intuition)
And the ideas related to alchemical transfiguration in the following verses of chapter 23, whereby the transformative processes would continue to have their impact till they produce the ultimate perfect creation, and the knowledge as merely a sort of information would turn to wisdom in the form of experience. There is always an emphasis on knowledge in Quran, such that the people with higher levels of knowledge would get to discover greater depths of wisdom in its message.
13 Then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging;
14 Then fashioned We the drop a clot, then fashioned We the clot a little lump, then fashioned We the little lump bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators!
There are actually seven stages of transformations that are described from verses 12 to 14 as human formative stages, but metaphorically they refer to the seven stages of ascension from Lead to Gold for an alchemist. The first stage corresponds to the metal Lead (Saturn) and its fear of disintegration. After overcoming the most basic fear of physical disintegration through finding strength in the material body, the second stage corresponds to the metal Iron (Mars) and its fear of corrosion. The fear of corrosion is essentially the emotional instability that can be conquered through cultivating the attitude of patience and perseverance. After corrosion, appears the fear of splitting or dissociation in the form of metal Tin (Jupiter), forming the challenge of the third stage. The fear of dissociation represents the loneliness and boredom that arises due to the excessive disposition of patience, and can be overcome by adopting the characteristic habits of a philosopher, such as research and inquiry. The fourth stage deals with the fear of impurity or impiety, which is the condition of metal Copper (Venus). The impurity arises due to the excessive objectivity of thoughts in a philosopher that may eventually lead to some sort of a madness or disease. The care and investment into an individual’s self worth and subjective happiness can deal with such problems. The fifth stage is pure but very unstable, representing the state of metal Mercury (Mercury) or Quicksilver. Once a person becomes beautiful, the need for expression and appreciation of that beauty becomes paramount, then those needs must be fulfilled through the creative expressions in aesthetic or artistic endeavors. The sixth stage reflects the fear of discoloration or stain in the form of metal Silver (Moon). It is the transient nature of time that causes the most wondrous accomplishments of past in the domain of art and culture to loose their glitter and glamour. The imperfections of this stage can be resolved by embracing the legacy of heroes that have achieved outstanding feats of courage amidst extreme conditions of vulnerability. The seventh stage is the final step represented by the metal Gold (Sun), whose state of perfection in every aspect of existence is acquired by an alchemist after the arduous tasks of overcoming all the challenges of mental fears and physical vulnerabilities.
And We have created above you seven paths, and We are never unmindful of creation. (23, 17)
Say: Who is Lord of the seven heavens, and Lord of the Tremendous Throne? (23, 86)
The principles of seven planetary orbital paths would determine the level of virtue in a human being through the different facets, attributes, and qualities of experiences in those seven transformative stages of life. Every person would have to succeed in the seven trials through overcoming the variable aspects of the seven archetypal planets in order to prove themselves worthy of serving the Tremendous Throne which constitutes the great ecliptic of the zodiac signs. The state of illumination of an alchemist depicts the confidence of physical strength and the power of mental perfection, and thus a true alchemist represents the highest order of perfection in the domain of life.
These verses when put together alongside the full context of chapter 23, with the stories of destruction due to the Elemental Chaos, and admonitions regarding the conducts of Lost Souls in contrast to the genuine undertakings of True Believers; it overall constitutes an exercise of theurgy of great potential when extrapolated to its implied proportions. Therefore, this mode of communion seems to have always been there since ancient times which adheres to the quantification of human knowledge through the quality of heavenly wisdom accorded by the spiritual teachings of the great sages throughout the ages.
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The Seven Stages of Alchemical Transfiguration |